Azure Aqua Spa
Cinema Float Suites
Welcome to Cinema Float Suites
Come and relax in one of three Float Suites each equipped with a 7’×7′ float pool, filled with 1,500 pounds of medical grade USP Epsom salt. The size of the pools allows two people to float at a time, so you can share the Azure experience of floating in near weightlessness.
Each float suite is equipped with high definition video projectors, which illuminate the wall before you. While your body recuperates, you can float in complete silence or be transported to the most beautiful of natural sites both on earth and in the galaxy. With a library of videos to choose from, your mind will be entranced by the astounding sites our world has to offer.
This solution is 93.5-96 degrees Fahrenheit helps your joints to decompress, and all of your muscles relax. Floating helps athletes recovery, enhances creativity and cognitive functions. Floating in Epsom Salt helps you to relax and normalize your blood pressure. It is an excellent therapy for people with chronic pain, injuries, insomnia and compromised immune systems.
The Iconic Float & Vichy Combo
This wonderful hour and a half treatment will be a spa experience like no other. Come in and rest completely as you float for one hour. Afterward, bask in the warm rains of the Vichy shower.
Ask your Aesthetician for a recommendation of fragrant oil applications as they gently scrub and exfoliate your entire body with Hawaiian Holiday, Tahiti Bliss, Riesling Pear, Champagne Mimosa, Strawberry Rose aromatherapy essential oils or choose masculine aromas of Cuban Rum & Cigar or Oktoberfest Bier Scrub.
*Taxes applyCredit expires one year after purchase
*Taxes applyCredit expires one year after purchase
Learn how floating can help you. There are countless reasons why you should float regularly.

If you have concerns about whether or not floating is a good fit for you, please read the contraindications in this post.
Let go of your daily stress & regain the beauty of life. No matter when you need to unwind, our services are proven to reduce the feelings of anxiety, frustration, & tension.

Learn more about how to prepare for floatation therapy at Azure Aqua Spa.